Gurmatsagar Android App
Gurmatsagar Android Application , Provides allow's you to listen to live kirtan Sri Darbar Sahib ,Katha Guru Dwara Manji Sahib Diwan Hall,Katha From Guru Dwara Bangla Sahib Delhi.More Over you can Read daily Hukamnama Sahib in App.
Live Kirtan Android Application
Live Kirtan Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsasr | App Provide you with 30+ worldwide channels straight into your device. Hukamnama and Manji Sahib Katha Bangla Sahib Katha Daily Asa Ki Vaar Sri Darbar Sahib. Radio Channels by SGPC and SIkhnet.
Sewa by www.Gurmatsagar.Com Please Rate the Application, so that it will be Helpful for Other Users also. We are continuously adding contents to this APP on regular intervals. Please do not forget to send us your valuable comments or complaints (if any). Also in case you want us to include any specific topic then please drop us an email at [email protected] Please accept our SEWA and we are hoping that you will like our little effort.
Hukamnama Katha Manji Sahib
Hukamnama Katha Manji Sahib Diwan Hall, Application let's you to listen Hukamnama Katha from Gurudwara Manji Sahib Diwan Hall. You can listen daily katha uploaded on Shortly We would be providing link to Katha From Guruduwara Bangla Sahib Delhi.
Nitnem Android Application
Nitnem , Application
The language of this application is Punjabi.
Nit-Nem (literally "Daily Naam") is a collaboration of different banis that were designated to be read by sikhs every day. The Nit-Nem bani's usually include the Panj bania (5 bani's below) which are read daily by baptised Sikhs in the morning between 3:00 am and 6:00 am (this period is considered as Amrit Vela or the Ambrosial Hours) and Rehras Sahib in the evening 6pm and Kirtan Sohila at night 9pm
* Japji Sahib
* Jaap Sahib
* Tav-Prasad Savaiye
* Benti Chaupai
* Anand Sahib
* Rehras Sahib
* Kirtan Sohila
Gur Gyan Android Application
GurGyan, an effort to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji , via android app.The applicaion lets you read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Hukamnama Android Application
Hukamnama Sahib Android Application Lets you listen Daily Hukamnama Sahib Sri Harimandir Sahib ji , with video , audio and Manji Sahib Katha Diwan Hall Amritsar.